[JAV:XCITY] How to cancel/withdraw your monthly fee plan Frequently asked questions

If you get tired of the video content on the adult site XCITY, you can cancel your paid payment and leave your membership. There is no risk of fraud. There are cases where people get bored of the program even after registering and continuing to watch it. In that case, you will need to cancel your monthly plan. Furthermore, if you want to delete your account, you will also need to make a purchase, but we will explain what procedures are required.

[JAV:XCITY] How to register for free membership, how to subscribe to monthly fee plan Let’s experience the root of erotic videos

XCITY is a comprehensive adult video site with an unlimited monthly viewing plan, and of course you can watch original content, photo albums, and AV videos on the web. In terms of manufacturers, you can watch videos from Prestige and Soft on Demand on your PC, smartphone, tablet, or TV. This is a site where you can enjoy video services of famous AV actresses.

[JAV:XCITY] Is there any safety problem? Reputation and reviews

XCITY is an adult video site that has been in operation for a very long time. Since the site was established in the 1990s, you can see that it is a very safe and risk-free site. What kind of reputation and reviews does XCITY have? We have also summarized the advantages and disadvantages.