[JAV: Digigra] How to stop automatic billing, how to cancel membership


If you are using Digigra’s service but are tired of it, you can cancel your membership. The withdrawal method is simple, but some people don’t know it, so I’ll explain it step by step. Don’t worry, even if you hold a tournament, you can re-register.


How to stop automatic billing

Those who have subscribed to an unlimited viewing plan should be careful when canceling their membership. In that case, if you do not stop automatic recurring billing, automatic billing will continue even if you cancel your membership. The site has a system that automatically renews your membership 30 days after joining. So if you leave it unattended, it will be deducted more and more. To end automatic continuation, log in and cancel monthly unlimited viewing on My Page.

How to withdraw from Digigra

How to withdraw from Digigra is very easy. Please login. Click on “Flat rate stop” in the left side menu. Clicking “Withdraw” will complete your withdrawal. Points will also be deleted at the same time, so if you have points that can be used to purchase individual works, please purchase them. There are no DRM restrictions, so you can watch videos you downloaded before canceling your membership without any restrictions. Please note that you will no longer be able to watch unlimited videos once you cancel your membership.


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